Why Is CBD Beneficial For My Pets Arthritis?

CBD is everywhere – everyone has a story as to how CBD might have helped them treat or overcome a health problem, and we already know that it is hugely used to help with chronic pain. 

Evidence shows that CBD can be extremely helpful, and even life-changing to people that suffer from chronic pain from arthritis. If you have a pet with arthritis, you’ve probably wondered whether or not you could use CBD to help them, too. 

Read on to find out all about what CBD oil is and how it can be used to help with your pets’ pain.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD is one of the main active components of cannabis. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of the compounds that you can find in marijuana and hemp plants.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the part of cannabis that makes you high, as it has psychoactive properties. The CBD, however, has pain-relieving and relaxing properties. 

Hemps plants, which are closely related to the marijuana plant, are largely used for medical marijuana. This is because hemp plants do not contain much THC (legally hemp plants must have a 0.3% or lower THC content), but they do contain CBD. CBD oil is made from this and can be used to help with pain in the same way that smoking it might, without any of the health issues that can be caused by smoking. 

Is CBD Legal? 

At the time of writing, CBD is legal for medical use in 36 states, and recreational use of cannabis is legal in 18 states. 

How Can It Help my Pets’ Arthritis?

Depending on the severity of your pets’ arthritis and the advice of your vet, CBD oil may very well be exactly what you need to help them manage their pain.

CBD oil is non-addictive, meaning that your pet won’t struggle with any withdrawal symptoms. CBD can help to reduce inflammation, which causes pain with arthritis. 

All animals are able to experience the effects of CBD, as they all have endocannabinoid systems. As a result, cannabidiol might be able to help to relieve your pet of pain and inflammation. 

There is still some research to be done in regards to the specific ways that CBD can be seen to affect different animals, but we know that it is safe for their consumption, provided you do not give them any more than the recommended amount.

Many pet owners have reported that CBD oil has vastly improved their pets’ quality of life. It’s always really important to consult your vet, in case of any underlying health issues. 

What Type of CBD Oil Should I Give my Pet?

As long as the CBD oil you are using does not contain THC and comes from a hemp plant, it is safe for your pets’ consumption. This is important, as pets will often have to visit the vets after they’ve come across and eaten marijuana, due to marijuana toxicosis.

This is caused by the THC and can be completely avoided if you make sure that any CBD oil that you give your pet has a less than 0.3% THC content. Higher doses of THC can really harm your pet. Not only this but certain CBD oils will be flavored with substances or ‘terpenes’ that are harmful to animals, so shouldn’t be given to them.

Try to find a CBD oil that is sugar-free, as sugar isn’t very good for your pet in the long term. You should also make sure that your CBD oil doesn’t have any other artificial sweeteners in it, like grapeseed oil or xylitol, as this can be toxic for animals.

The best CBD oil to give your pet is something called  ‘CBD isolate’, which is 99.99% pure CBD. This has no THC in it.

Some companies will make CBD oils specifically for pets, and this is always a good idea if you have the option. These are sometimes even flavored with foods that your animal enjoys, such as chicken or beef!

Look out for CBD oils that have been given a veterinarian’s approval, as the vets have agreed that these have a suitable level of terpenes and THC for your animal. The only issue with these alternatives is that animal CBD oils can be more expensive than regular CBD oils, despite being effectively the same.

How Much CBD Should I Give my Pet?

If you’re giving your pet a CBD oil that is supposed to be consumed by humans, you should always make sure to give them a dose that’s less than the one recommended. This is because humans will weigh more and are less sensitive to CBD than an animal might be. 

A good place to start your pet would probably be around 0.25 – 0.50 mg per pound that your pet weighs a day, this ensures that they won’t get too much. You should mix this into their food. You can slowly increase the dose as time goes on, as long as you have spoken to your veterinarian about it. 

Dosage guidelines for cats to dogs:

  • 10 pounds: 1 mg to 5 mg
  • 20 pounds: 2 mg to 10 mg 
  • 30 pounds: 3 mg to 15 mg
  • 40 pounds: 4 mg to 20 mg
  • 50 pounds: 5 mg to 25 mg
  • 60 pounds: 6 mg to 30 mg
  • 70 pounds: 7 mg to 35 mg
  • 80 pounds: 8 mg to 40 mg
  • 90 pounds: 9 mg to 45 mg
  • 100 pounds: 10 mg to 50 mg 

CBD Treats

Another option that you might want to consider when managing your pets’ pain with arthritis is to give them CBD treats instead.

CBD treats are great, as they’re available for both cats and dogs, and mean that you don’t have to spend a lot of time measuring or worrying that the CBD oil you have chosen is safe, as CBD treats are made for specific pets, with the dosages already laid out for you.

This is also a much easier way to get them to eat it, as you don’t have to mix it into their food – and they’ll think they’re tasty!

Final Thoughts

Whilst CBD oil can be extremely beneficial for animals suffering from arthritis, it is always really important to consult your veterinarian before use, as well as making sure that the CBD oil you are giving your pet is animal-safe.