What Is The Recommended Dosage of CBD for Dogs Inflammation?

Inflammation in your dog can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, such as arthritis, and can be incredibly painful for your pooch.

If your dog struggles with inflammation and you’ve decided to go down the CBD route, you might be curious to know: What is the recommended dose of CBD for dogs with inflammation?

In this article, I will explore some important information about treating dogs for inflammation with cbd, including the recommended dosage.

Keep reading to find out more.

From pain relief to managing anxiety, CBD oil can be incredibly useful to have on hand for when your pooch is feeling under the weather. 

However, when it comes to giving your dog CBD, the right dose can vary quite a bit from one situation to the next. Every dog is different, and you never know how your dog will react to CBD until you try giving it to them.

What Is the Recommended Dosage of CBD for Dogs with Inflammation?

There are a variety of factors that come into play when you’re figuring out the dosage of CBD for your dog suffering with inflammation.

You will need to consider factors such as weight, activity level, consumption method, the CBD potency, and the severity of your dog’s inflammation.

When it comes to the recommended dosage of CBD for dogs, there are several specifications and variations, depending on the formulations of different CBD brands.

It is important to mention that the dosage can also differ depending on the condition you’re trying to treat. Higher doses are typically recommended for more serious medical conditions such as arthritis and seizures, whereas dosing for general well-being and anxiety is generally lower.

The right dose of CBD for dogs varies. To calculate the dosage for medicinal purposes such as relieving arthritic pain, the number of milligrams of CBD that must be given should always correspond to your dog’s weight.

What Are the Health Conditions CBD Can Help your Dog With?

There are a variety of different health conditions that CBD can help your dog with. These include but are not limited to:

  • Inflammation – CBD oil provides significant inflammatory and osteoarthritis pain relief to dogs with arthritis, whether that be from physical activity, genetic predisposition,or injury.
  • Anxiety and stress – Using CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression in both humans and animals.
  • Pain – CBD has pain-relieving effects, and can help reduce chronic pain by impacting endocannabinoid receptor activity and reducing inflammation.
  • Seizures –  For dogs that have been diagnosed with a seizure disorder such as epilepsy, CBD has been known to reduce seizure activity.
  • Nausea – For dogs that get travel sick, CBD has been known to be effective for treating both nausea and vomiting.

CBD oils, creams, and edibles are incredibly versatile, and these are just a few of the conditions that CBD can help your dog with.

What Type of CBD Product is Best for Dogs with Inflammation?

There are many different CBD products on the market, from CBD oil, to edibles such as dog treats, to topical creams.

Topical creams infused with CBD work best for localized problems when your dog suffers from different types of physical discomfort. As inflammation is a physical pain for your dog to endure, topical creams might be the best option to relieve your dog’s pain.

Topical creams are super easy to apply and also work relatively quickly. Instead of the CBD absorbing into the bloodstream, it binds to cannabinoid receptors in the layers of your dog’s skin.

The great thing about this type of CBD product is that it is the easiest of all the CBD products to dose, because you simply apply it to your dog as needed. As a result, you won’t need to worry about calculating your dog’s weight in the same way as you would if you were opting for a CBD oil and administering it to them.

What Other Ways Can you Help Inflammation in Dogs?

There are a variety of other ways you can help your dog if they’re suffering with inflammation, as well as other preventative measures you can take to avoid inflammation from occurring. These include but are not limited to:

  • Incorporating healthy fats into their diet – Dogs require Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet as they cannot produce them on their own. Omega-3 fats are mainly sourced from fish and good sources for dogs include sardines and anchovies.
  • Managing their weight – Keeping your dog at a healthy weight can be helpful in lessening the chance they’ll suffer from inflammation. Maintaining an ideal weight and avoiding inflammatory foods like sugar, trans fat, saturated fat, and calorie-dense foods can help your dog significantly. 
  • Medication – If you suspect that your dog is in pain from inflammation, you could ask your vet for anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs help reduce swelling, stiffness, and joint pain in your dog. They can bring relief to a dog with medical conditions such as arthritis. 

Research and Consult your Veterinarian 

You should consult with your veterinarian before you give your pet any doses of CBD oil. While veterinarians aren’t allowed to administer, dispense, prescribe or recommend cannabis or its products for animals, they can provide recommendations for other products or medications for your dog’s inflammation. 

Regardless of what you’re giving your pet in terms of supplements, any time you try giving them anything new, there is always the potential for side effects.You will always need to check with your veterinarian before you start your dog on a new supplement, especially if your pet is already on prescription medications that could be affected.

It is recommended that you also do your own extensive research when looking for CBD for your dog. Make sure that the information you find is from reputable sources.

In Summary 

The recommended dosage of CBD for dogs suffering with inflammation will depend on a variety of factors, such as your dog’s weight and the potency of your CBD product.

Always make sure you are researching the CBD products you give your dog extensively before use.