What Is CBD for Dogs Used For?

So, CBD oil is pretty new on the market – and has become more and more popular amongst people as a means of alleviating stress and bringing complete relaxation. But, did you know it can also be used to help your four-legged friend? Yeah, CBD comes up trumps for dogs too.

This is a pretty new area of consumption for humans, let alone dogs – so read on to find out all about CBD and how it can help your four-legged friend. 

What Is CBD?

So, CBD is a cannabinoid compound found in all plants that belong to the cannabis family. CBD is found in the hemp plants, which is a species of Cannabis Sativa that has been used and adapted for thousands of years. 

Hemp is actually a pretty impressive plant that can even be used for fibre manufacture, biofuel and some nutritious foods because hemp seeds are pretty rich in Omega-3 acids. CBD is an intriguing compound which binds to receptors that exist in the brain already.

Our brain and body already produce CBD and other endocannabinoids already and these play a massive role in our neurochemistry. For humans, CBD will help you to regulate pathways that process hurt, stress and other neurological functions that have mental and physical effects. 

Since our brain actually needs CBD to function correctly, then CBD delivered from hemp is supplementing a system that exists in the brain already. So, CBD assists our bodies in functioning properly as CBD in hemp mirrors the CBD produced by our bodies.

How Does CBD Oil Help Dogs?

In short, CBD oil and hemp oil for dogs have been said to reduce inflammation, which decreases the distressing symptoms that they experience with arthritis or any chronic pain, whilst also enhancing mobility. CBD has also been proven to reduce anxiety and seizures in dogs. We can break down some of the most common usages of CBD oil in dogs for you here:

  • CBD oil can help if your dog is in pain – one of the main uses of CBD oil is to combat different kinds of chronic pain. For dogs, CBD oil is particularly effective when it comes to treating pain that comes with arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.
  • CBD oil can help if your dog is struggling with anxiety – having a calming and soothing effect in both humans and dogs, CBD interacts with serotonin which is a chemical that has a crucial role in building happiness and creating wellbeing. It reduces anxiety in your body as it soothes muscles and joints which reduces pain signals that trigger anxiety. 
  • CBD oil can help if your dog is suffering with seizures – yeah, CBD oil is pretty versatile. When it comes to seizures, the oil can really be beneficial to your four-legged friend. How does CBD oil help your dog who is suffering with seizures? Well, the CBD receptors regulate blood flow to parts of the brain which trigger a seizure, so using CBD oil will lower the chance of your dog having a seizure.
  • CBD oil can help if your dog has a low appetite – we mentioned CBD and its relationship with serotonin production in the brain earlier on. Well, when it comes to appetite, the production of serotonin can actually enhance the appetite of dogs who are suffering from eating issues. In fact, the endocannabinoid system in the brain particularly works with the appetite and so, CBD can increase appetite. A poor diet for your dog can actually be a result of low serotonin levels, and this could lead on to your dog suffering from anxiety and/or depression. 
  • CBD oil can help if your dog is struggling with mobility – so, as CBD has properties that reduce inflammation and support muscle relaxation, it can also work to increase mobility in dogs which are suffering from muscle cramps, arthritis or any other physical problem. Additionally, CBD has powerful healing effects that can also improve mobility by alleviating pain associated with movement.

How Does CBD Oil Actually Work: The Science?

In case it was not clear, CBD oil is a bit of a miracle cure for humans as well as dogs. So, now it is time to get into the real science of it all. 

Here it goes. CBD is a complex chemical that works with two types of receptors in the endocannabinoid system within the brain. What are these receptors called? These receptors are called CB1 and CB2. 

What do these receptors do? Well, each receptor helps our bodies modulate key functionalities, such as our appetites, memories, sleep, hurt and psychological state. In fact, our bodies actually produce endocannabinoids but CBD can stimulate and modulate these receptors.

CBD does not actually connect to these receptors. It just has an influence on the way that they behave. Scientists and clinicians believe that this can have important effects on the way that negative health symptoms are moderated. They can also lower the risks of some diseases.

Do not worry, CBD does not trigger highs, even though it is similar to cannabis. CBD has an influence on other neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain, such as serotonin. CBD’s effect on the endocannabinoid system is pretty vast and is not simple to explain.

It is only recently that scientists have uncovered the information about this intriguing and relatively complex brain structure. CBD definitely modulates endocannabinoid receptors for positive benefits in both humans and animals. This includes your four-legged friend.

So, Should You Use CBD Oil on your Dog?

On the whole, CBD oil is a pretty intriguing compound. And, especially after going into some of the science in the most basic and accessible terms that we can, you might be sitting down and thinking the following: should I take the plunge and use this on my dog?

Well, if your dog suffers from chronic pain, or anxiety or any of the other mentioned symptoms above, then CBD oil could really help them.

Don’t get us wrong, we are not promising that CBD oil will be a miracle cure for your dog. But, there are lots of ways that it can benefit them if they are in any kind of physical pain or discomfort. There is no risk of your dog being on another planet with CBD oil, if anything CBD oil will help them make the most of where they are now.