What Are the Benefits of CBD for Dogs?

You may have heard the benefits of CBD in its ability to treat health conditions in humans. With studies showing the benefits of CBD in treating inflammatory conditions, reducing anxiety, preventing cancer, and offering anticonvulsant properties, it’s no wonder CBD is increasing in popularity. 

But, have you heard of its benefits in treating dogs? CBD is known to help improve health conditions as a result of its ability to interact with the endocannabinoid system present in all mammals.

With this in mind, many believe that the effects CBD has on the human body will have similar effects on a dog. However, the research on its effectiveness on dogs is inconclusive. 

Whilst the research is inconclusive, if we rely on the studies done on the effects of CBD on humans, it may be possible for dogs to experience the same benefits as humans. This post will go through all the possible effects of CBD on dogs. 

What is CBD? 

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a natural compound found in cannabis. This part of the cannabis is non-psychoactive unlike its close relative tetrahydrocannabinol meaning that using cannabidiol will not produce a ‘high.’ 

Studies have shown that CBD contains a host of properties that are beneficial when it comes to treating certain conditions. Some of these include anxiety, pain, cancer, arthritis.

Whilst CBD is more commonly used for treating these conditions in humans, there is an increase in the administration of CBD to combat similar conditions in dogs. 

Is CBD Safe for Dogs? 

There are currently no CBD animal products in the form of a drug or food that have been approved by the FDA.

Whilst there is currently no conclusive evidence of the effectiveness of CBD on dogs, there is research that suggests the possibility of its beneficial effects on treating dogs.

How Does CBD Affect Dogs? 

One of the ways in which CBD interacts with the body of both dogs and humans is its interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS system is considered a biological system found in all mammals, this system contributes to the regulation of functions in several critical systems. To name a few, the ECS is involved in helping to regulate the sleep system, immune system, and gastrointestinal system. 

It is the endocannabinoid system that processes the CBD entering the body. Whilst there are no conclusive studies of the effects of CBD on dogs.

Research suggests that the ECS in humans is the same as that of all other mammals and as dogs are also known to suffer from conditions of anxiety, arthritis, pain, and seizures, etc, CBD may have the same beneficial effect on dogs. 

What Are the Benefits of CBD for Dogs?


CBD works as a powerful painkiller. Its painkilling properties work to temporarily prevent the absorption of a chemical that helps to reduce pain.

Stopping this will help to keep the chemical (anandamide) to stay in the system for longer to work to reduce the pain signals sent to the brain. This effectively works to reduce pain sensations. If your dog suffers from chronic pain and aches, CBD may help to reduce pain.  


CBD is known to interact with receptors in the immune system. CBD works to activate these receptors to promote immune responses including the response to fight inflammation.

If your dog suffers from an inflammatory condition such as arthritis, irritable bowel disease, CBD may help to reduce inflammation and reduce inflammatory pain. 

Stress reliever 

Like humans, dogs experience feeling stressed and anxious, especially when it comes to changes in their environment or added stress to their home environment.

CBD is believed to be able to not just reduce physical ailments in dogs, it may also be able to reduce mental conditions such as anxiety and symptoms of stress. Common forms of anxiety in dogs appear as separation anxiety, excessive noise, and phobias. 

Stress and anxiety in dogs appear differently to humans. If your dog is feeling anxious, they may exhibit the behavior of persistently barking, chewing things around the house, urinating more frequently, or urinating around the house and in their space, increased expressions of aggression, or tremors. 

CBD is known to boost a specific receptor in the nervous system responsible for producing serotonin levels (the hormone that helps to stabilize feelings of happiness. CBDs’ role in boosting serotonin production effectively helps improve mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

If your dog is struggling with anxiety, CBD may be able to help produce anti-anxiety and stress-reducing effects.

Anti-cancer Treatment 

Cancer tumors are common in dogs, especially older dogs. If you’re worried about the effect cancer is having on your dog, CBD may be able to help slow tumor growth. Research suggests that CBD may be able to produce anti-cancer effects by increasing the rate that cancer cells absorb chemotherapy agents.

This suggested effect if this is that healthy cells are protected. Other studies have also shown how the use of CBD has helped to slow the growth of cancer and the size of tumors and how CBD can cause cell death to inhibit the growth of tumors. 

Promotes homeostasis 

Homeostasis is considered the balanced functioning of the body. This occurs when the body is functioning to the best of its ability.

However, sometimes imbalances occur in the functioning of systems in the body, which gives rise to the occurrence of illnesses and diseases. CBD works to stimulate the endocannabinoid system which is responsible for regulating and balancing bodily systems.

By stimulating ECS, the body may be restored to a state of homeostasis. If your dog is exhibiting signs of illness or disease, CBD may be able to promote homeostasis. 


CBD is commonly known for its anticonvulsant properties, it is considered a popular treatment in humans who suffer from epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Studies have shown how CBD helps manage symptoms of tremors, seizures, and tics.

CBD works to reduce these symptoms by restoring and stabilizing the uncontrolled firing of neurons to the brain. If your dog suffers from convulsions, CBD may be able to help reduce symptoms of seizures.

Possible Side Effects of CBD in Dogs

Like any product, there is also a risk of side effects. Here are some side effects to look out for:

  • Panting and a dry mouth
  • Drowsiness 
  • Vomiting
  • Dribbling urine
  • Loss of balance 

Please note – If your dog starts to exhibit any of these side effects, please get in touch with your veterinarian as soon as possible. 

Risks of Using CBD Oil for Dogs

The safety and risks of CBD being used for dogs have not yet been extensively researched. The U.S FDA has not yet approved the use of CBD for dogs.

Tips for Giving your Dog CBD

If you’re keen to start treating your dog with CBD, here are a couple of tips to treat them efficiently:

  • Always start by administering a low dose.
  • Monitor your dog for reactions or any of the symptoms above. 
  • If you’re happy with how the benefits and your dog is reacting well to the CBD, increase the dose slowly if needed. 
  • Stay in touch with your veterinarian. 


Whilst the research on the effectiveness of CBD in dogs is inconclusive, the research on the beneficial effects of humans may apply to dogs.

If you are interested in trying CBD to help treat any symptoms your dog may be experiencing, you may see benefits from it. However, it’s always wise to exercise caution and consult your veterinarian beforehand.