Pet CBD Oil – What Does It Do?

Over the past couple of years, CBD oil gained vast popularity, for both humans and now animals. There is a lot of information going around about whether you should be giving your pet CBD oil. However, we have got all the answers for you. 

We have put together this article, to help you understand what CBD oil is and what it does to your pet. 

What is CBD Oil?

Before we get into how this oil may affect your pet, we should discuss what CBD oil is. 

CBD oil is also known as cannabidiol oil. This is a compound that is found in both hemp and cannabis. This compound is naturally found in plants and not altered in any way. It has been used to help treat a variety of health issues with success.

Some people have been cautious about taking CBD oil, as people were worried that the CBD oil would cause intoxication or a high-like feeling. However, these are all myths. This is because CBD oil doesn’t contain Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the compound that typically gives marijuana its psychoactive properties. Typically, you will find that most CBD oils come from hemp plants and not marijuana. 

CBD Oil and Pets

For a while, CBD oil was mainly used by humans, but now it is becoming a lot more popular to give our furry friends a little bit of CBD oil as well. It should be noted that CBD oil has been tested, and it has been discovered that CBD helps maintain your pet’s overall health.

There are a couple of benefits to giving your pets some CBD oil, that we have listed below. 


CBD oil is great to be used for medical purposes. While we can take painkillers, we can give our pets CBD oil. CBD oil acts as an anti-inflammatory oil as well. The oil helps enhance your pet’s immune system’s response to a wide range of physiological issues that they may be experiencing. 

Bone and Joint Health

As our pets get older, they risk the chance of developing arthritis. As we know, arthritis can be quite painful. Therefore, after consulting with your veterinarian, applying and massaging CBD oil into the area on your pet has a very positive effect on their bones and joints. It helps ease the pain so that they can carry on with their typical day pain-free. 

Healthy Coat and Skin

Keeping an eye on your pet’s skin is important. Their skin just like our own is very important. The last thing you want is for your pet to develop a skin condition or ticks that could ruin their skin and affect their coat. 

Studies have shown that an application of CBD oil on your pet, helps keep their skin nutritious. This then leads to a much healthier coat as well. 


Just like humans, our pets can feel pain. This could be due to an injury, age, surgery, or due to chronic disease. Either way, constantly using CBD oil on your pet, can reduce their overall pain. This can help treat chronic diseases easily and effectively. 

Reducing Anxiety 

Our pets suffer from anxiety just like we do. Anxiety in pets can be caused by a number of things like separation anxiety, thunderstorms, or car anxiety. Overall, anxiety can have a really negative impact on your pet’s health. If your pet gets too anxious and won’t calm down, they could try to run away. 

As a result, a vet prescribed oral usage of CBD oil can help calm your pet down. Which then reduces their anxiety, so that they are much calmer. If you know that they are scared of fireworks, then by giving them some CBD oil, they can remain calm instead of getting scared and anxious. 

Risks of Using CBD Oil On Your Pets

At the moment, there is no scientific evidence on the side effects that CBD oil has on our pets. Therefore, these potential side effects and risks are based on how humans are affected by CBD oil. 


The US Food and Drug Administration hasn’t approved CBD oil as yet as of writing, therefore there is no official dosing chart. As a result, we can’t be sure what size dosage would be toxic to your pets. Hence, whenever you give your pet something new, you should start in small doses and monitor your pet for any side effects. 

The best way to know what kind of dosage you should be giving your pet is by speaking to your veterinarian. They will know or suggest the correct dosage that your pet should be taking. 


As mentioned above, CBD oil can be used to treat any anxiety that your pet may suffer with. The oil helps calm your pet down, however, this calming effect can cause drowsiness. The higher the dosage that you give your pet, the more the drowsiness effect will take hold. 

Dry Mouth

For humans, research shows us that CBD oil decreases the production of saliva, hence giving a human a dry mouth. For pets, such as dogs, that could cause them to become thirstier and want to drink a lot more until the effect wears off. 

Lower Blood Pressure

CBD oil has a calming effect on the human body and on your pets. Hence, high doses of CBD oil have been known to cause a slight, temporary decrease in blood pressure. The drop is very slight, thus it may cause a brief moment of your pet feeling a little light-headed. This is nothing to worry about, and it will pass. 

Final Thoughts

CBS oil can be given to your pets, and as this article has shown you, it does have great benefits. Overall, CBD oil helps improve your pet’s overall health. When it comes to buying CBD oil you should always look for organic CBD oil, because if it isn’t then it may contain something that could harm your pet.

However, CBD oil isn’t dangerous for your animal and can help reduce their anxiety or any pain they are suffering with. Although, if you are unsure, we would recommend always consulting with your veterinarian.