How To Legally Buy CBD for Dogs?

CBD products are wildly popular amongst humans who struggle with pain, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. A little known fact is that both humans and dogs share the same endocannabinoid system that is compatible with CBD, which is why there are dog-specific CBD products available for dogs with anxiety or pain issues. 

If you’re new to the world of CBD, you might be wondering whether it’s actually legal to buy CBD products for your dog. CBD means it’s cannabis, right?

Doesn’t that mean it will get my dog high? Is that legal? Interestingly enough, it’s super easy to legally buy CBD for dogs. CBD isn’t the same cannabinoid as THC, which is what makes you high, so there’s no chance of intoxicating your dog! 

Of course, nobody wants to accidentally give their dog something that is illegal, nor does anyone want to get caught with anything illegally purchased. Here is everything you need to know about how to legally buy CBD for dogs! 

Is CBD illegal?

To settle the matter straight, CBD can be legally purchased in every state as long as it is derived from a hemp plant. The CBD must also have a THC maximum level of 0.3%. This means that if the CBD is derived from a marijuana plant, or if it has a THC level of above 0.3%, then it is most likely illegal.

That’s where the laws start to get a bit more complicated because each state has their own variations of the laws, but to be on the safe side, stick to hemp-derived CBD products with a THC level of less than 0.3%. 

How do I legally buy CBD for dogs?

Luckily for you, it’s super easy to legally buy CBD products for dogs! All that matters is that you buy from reputable companies who are transparent about their products – from the ingredients to the cultivation process.

Reputable companies will also stick to the legal guidelines of selling CBD products, but it’s always worth checking that a product is derived from a hemp plant and has a THC level of or below 0.3%. Better safe than sorry! 

There are several forms of CBD for dogs, all of which have their own potencies and dosage requirements. These forms include CBD oil, chews, treats, powder, and even shampoo.

As long as these products stick to the legal guidelines (hemp-derived and with a THC level of or under 0.3%), then you can buy whatever product works best for you and your dog. 

How To Buy CBD for Dogs? 

So, if all reputable CBD companies abide by the country’s laws, then does that mean I can buy any CBD product for my dog? Unfortunately, no. If you’re new to the world of CBD for dogs, you’ve got to put in some effort when it comes to research. Here are the key things to look out for when buying CBD for dogs!

Don’t Buy Human CBD 

While humans and dogs have the same system that is compatible with CBD, it doesn’t mean you can give your dog your own CBD products. CBD for humans is far stronger in potency than CBD designed specifically for dogs, so it’s not worth the risk of accidentally overdosing your dog on CBD. There is little scientific evidence on the effects of doing this, but it still shouldn’t be done. 

Another reason to not give your dog human CBD is because most CBD products designed for humans are flavored with sweeteners, especially flavored CBD oils. One of the ingredients that sweetens the CBD is xylitol, which is extremely toxic to dogs. 

Find A Reputable Company 

A reputable CBD company will be one that is completely transparent with its ingredients, cultivation and extraction processes, and third-party testing. This transparency should be on their website, in the product descriptions, and sometimes even on the packaging itself.

Avoid companies that aren’t transparent, because odds are they are probably hiding something that could be illegal. For example, their levels of THC within their CBD products might be over 0.3%. 

Fortunately, consumers of CBD for dogs are always keen to give their reviews and experience with certain companies and products, so make sure to look at customer reviews!

Purity of the CBD

It’s always best to look for CBD products that are made with all natural ingredients. Fortunately a lot of dog CBD companies include ingredients such as peanut butter, barley, and eggs to provide health benefits for the dog alongside the CBD.

It’s always best to avoid products that contain nasty chemicals, metals, and pesticides – which can all be examined through the transparency of the extraction process. 

Always avoid CBD products that went through an extraction process involving the use of solvent or high heat. This is because solvents and heat will contaminate the CBD at the end of the process.

Instead, look for an extraction process that involves the high compression of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide won’t remain in the hemp plant nor destroy nutritional value (unlike high heat), meaning the final product will have all the full-spectrum benefits! 


Unfortunately, you’re going to have to spend more than you’d think on CBD products for your dog. Generally speaking, the more expensive the product, the higher the quality – thus, the less chance of it being illegal!

Of course, there are some high-quality and affordable CBD companies out there, but anything that looks suspiciously cheap could easily be classified as illegal – or at the very least, incredibly low quality. 


So, there you have it! Turns out, it’s far easier to buy a legal CBD product for your dog than an illegal one. You’ve just got to know what to look out for.

While each state will have their own specific laws about the legality of marijuana-derived CBD products, we recommend sticking to hemp-derived CBD products with a THC level of or below 0.3%. If you’re worried about the legality or quality of a CBD product, always look out for the company’s transparency!