How To Get CBD for Dogs?

There is an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence to support the use of CBD to treat a variety of health conditions in humans.

There is very limited evidence to support the use of CBD treatment for dogs, and no supplements are approved by the FDA for animal use. 

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of the most proliferent non-psychoactive compounds found in cannabis.

It is used as a wider treatment plan for a number of health conditions such as anxiety, pain, and arthritis. 

Veterinarian Advice

Veterinarians are commonly asked about the effects of CBD on animals. A 2018 study by VIN News of 2,131 veterinarians found that 63% of respondents reported being asked about the treatment at least once per month.

CBD was much less popular then than it is in 2021, so it is safe to assume that these numbers are even higher now. 

The freedom with which your vet can discuss CBD treatments for your dog will vary according to the state that you live in. A number of states have very  severe penalties for this offence, and your vet could be issued a financial penalty or may even have their license suspended. 

California is the most accepting state for canine CBD treatments. Here there are no penalties for discussing CBD treatments with patients. This means that the veterinarians can offer advice and inform the patient about potential side effects of the CBD treatment. 

No matter what the state advice, there are no laws allowing CBD to be prescribed to animals. Even where medical marijuana is legal to prescribe to humans, you will not be prescribed it for your pet. 

What Can CBD Be Used to Treat?

There have been a couple of studies done into the effects of CBD on health issues in dogs. In 2018, the condition of focus was osteoarthritis. A group of dogs suffering from this was dosed with between 2 and 8 mg of CBD oil per kilogram of body mass.

This was done to see whether the painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil are also felt in dogs. The results showed that 80% of the participants became more mobile and showed a reduced pain level.

These improvements were measured using the Hudson activity scale and the canine brief pain inventory. 

In 2019, a further study was conducted into the effects of CBD on epileptic dogs. This study had a small sample size and involved 2 groups of epileptic dogs.

One group was fed CBD oil and the other group was fed a placebo, as complementary treatments alongside seizure medication. The dogs being treated with CBD had far fewer seizures than the placebo group, but both groups showed a marked improvement in seizure frequency. Further studies are needed to come up with a conclusive result. 

How To Give your Dog CBD?

There are a number of different forms of CBD that you can feed to your dog. The most common include oils, creams, and dog treats. These products are typically marketed towards humans but many dog owners have noticed positive results. 

A 2018 study by Colorado State University found that oral CBD supplements are typically more effective when administered in the form of an oil. This was a small study, done into dogs suffering from epilepsy and further studies are required to verify the results. 

As we mentioned earlier, most studies done into CBD and dogs used a dosage of between 2 and 8 mg per kg of body mass. This appears to be the safest and most effective dosage, although studies are sparse.

The study that used this dosage was funded by a CBD company, meaning that the information and results are likely to be a little biased. For this reason, we do not recommend using this information as a strict dosage recommendation.

Instead, use it as a guideline and adjust the dosage level according to your dog’s response. You should always start with less than you think and work upward from there. This will be the safest method to give your dog CBD and means that you are less likely to overwhelm them. 

How Do you Choose the Right CBD for your Dog?

There are no FDA regulations for CBD products, meaning that the quality varies a lot across the market. A good marker of quality is a certificate of analysis on the product’s packaging or website.

These certificates show that the product has been tested for pesticides and heavy metals. They will also allow you to know whether the quality is as high as the manufacturer claims.

Another thing to look out for is the presence of THC. This is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that gets you high. There is next to no research on the effects of THC on canines, and we strongly recommend you do not allow your dog to ingest THC.

The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) states that THC becomes fatal to dogs and cats at a level of 3 grams or more per kilogram of body mass, but they may experience side effects at much lower doses. 

Are There Any Side Effects of CBD?

As with any substance, there is always the potential for negative as well as positive side effects of CBD for dogs. Some common negative side effects include excessive panting, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, a loss of balance, and incontinence. 

If you notice your dog exhibiting any of these behaviors, it is indicative of an overdose of CBD. They may be experiencing toxic side effects and we strongly recommend that you contact a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible to prevent lasting damage or fatalities. 

Even if your state prohibits the discussion of CBD and cannabis for animals, your veterinarian will be allowed to treat your pet for the symptoms that they are showing.

You should never put off treatment for your dog for fear of repercussions. Their health should always take priority and worrisome symptoms should never be ignored.