How Much CBD for Dogs with Anxiety?

Like humans, dogs can be prone to developing anxiety throughout their lives for a variety of reasons.

CBD has been known to help manage anxiety in humans and dogs, but if you’re not familiar with CBD or have never given it to your pet you might be wondering: How much CBD do you give dogs with anxiety?

In this article, I will cover some key information about treating dogs with cbd, including how much cbd to give dogs with anxiety.

So, let’s get started.

How Much CBD for Dogs with Anxiety?

Every dog is different, so estimating how much CBD to give your dog will largely depend on them. There are a few factors that influence how much CBD you should give your dog. These include:

The Size of your Dog (Weight)

As with a variety of other health supplements, the dosage of CBD is most often calculated by weight. 

When giving your dog CBD, a good rule of thumb is to start with 1-2mg for every 10 pounds of weight. That being said, some CBD products conveniently list the dosage recommendation on the back of the label. In this case, you will find it easier to accurately work out the dosage for your dog.

The Severity of your Dog’s Anxiety

Another important factor to bear in mind is the severity of your dog’s anxiety. Giving your dog CBD offers a variety of benefits for your dog, including helping them to manage their anxiety, but it’s not a miracle worker. 

Although CBD products can improve your dog’s daily life, they are not intended and should not be used to prevent, treat, or mask a medical condition. If your dog experiences mild anxiety, it might only need a small dose of CBD.

Your Dog’s Activity Level

You will also need to take into account your dog’s activity level. This is crucial because your dog’s activity level determines the pace at which CBD will be metabolized in their body. 

It’s best to talk to your vet to avoid any complications with other medicines your pet might need.

Consumption Method 

CBD comes in a variety of different forms, and it’s important to bear the consumption method in mind. 

There are three forms which you can find CBD for dogs:

  • CBD oil
  • Topical creams
  • Edibles (dog treats)

While CBD oil is considered to be the best and most effective of these forms for your dog, you might find that your dog doesn’t initially like the taste of it.

If your dog is a picky that doesn’t enjoy the taste of CBD oil, you might decide to give your dog CBD pet treats instead.

These CBD edibles in the form of dog treats will taste less strongly of CBD and offer a fixed CBD dose in each serving. This can be convenient when you’re first figuring out how large of a dose you should give your dog.

However, as a general rule, CBD edibles take longer to have an effect. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes after they digest it.

CBD Potency in the Product 

Last, but by no means least, you will need to take the CBD potency into account. Potency refers to the number of milligrams contained in each milliliter of the oil.

It’s important to note that different CBD oils come in different concentrations because this can drastically affect the amount of CBD needed, and you don’t want to accidentally give your dog too much.

Which CBD potency you opt for will largely come down to the size of your dog. For instance, if you have a small dog, it’s likely that you’ll want to choose from the lowest potency options.

However, when it comes to treating larger dogs with anxiety, you might find it more cost-effective to switch to a more potent oil. 

Notes on Treating your Dog with CBD

Once you have decided on a dose to manage your dog’s anxiety, you will have to be open minded about altering it depending on how they react. It’s important to stay in tune with your dog and their anxious behaviors to see how the CBD is working. 

You should monitor the effects of the CBD dose you have opted for. If you don’t see any difference in the symptoms of their anxiety, then you can slowly increase the dose of the CBD.

However, the health of your dog should take priority, and it’s crucial that you aren’t using CBD to mask your dog’s condition. It’s always important to ask your veterinarian about the other options to explore to help manage your pet’s anxiety.

Making sure that your veterinarian is aware about your decision to use CBD oil for your dog will help them advise you about any potential side effects with medications your pet may be taking. It’s better to be safe than sorry by keeping them up to date on your decisions. 

How Long Does it Take for CBD to Work?

The answer to this question depends on how much CBD you give your dog. However, generally speaking CBD takes around 30 to 45 minutes to start working. 

As a general rule, CBD oils work more quickly than CBD biscuits or treats as there are less ingredients for your dog to digest.

How Long Do the Effects of CBD Last For?

The duration can vary a lot depending on your pet’s size, activity level, breed, and the severity of their symptoms. 

Typically speaking, older dogs tend to take longer than younger dogs to digest food.

In Summary 

The amount of cbd you should give your dog for anxiety varies from dog to dog, as every dog is different. 

When it comes to CBD, you will need to take your pet and their own personal needs into account, as there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. 

If the CBD doesn’t improve your dog’s condition, you should always make sure that you’re consulting with your veterinarian for further advice on treating your dog’s anxiety.