CBD for Dogs Who Obsessively Lick

It’s normal for dogs to lick occasionally. They will lick your face if they want to give you some kisses, they will lick themselves and other dogs for cleaning purposes, and they will lick their food bowl to make sure all of their food has gone.

But when a dog licks obsessively, it might be a sign of something a bit more serious. 

Obsessive licking in dogs is often a sign of anxiety or stress. Any stressful event such as bringing a rescue dog into your home, loud noises, introducing another pet into the house, and separation anxiety can all result in obsessive licking. 

Sometimes, a particularly lick-obsessed dog might find that licking is comforting for them. They might enjoy the scent or taste of their humans, which is why they lick the furniture so often. Still, it’s annoying to constantly find wet patches on your couch. 

Luckily for you, there might be a solution to your problem. CBD is popularly used amongst humans to treat symptoms of stress and anxiety, but did you know that there are CBD designed specifically for dogs, too? Here is everything you need to know about CBD for dogs who obsessively lick!

Why Does My Dog Lick Everything?

Firstly, let’s explain the root of the problem. When a dog obsessively licks something – such as furniture, their body, a dog toy, or your skin – it releases endorphins, which helps to relieve them from whatever stress they are experiencing.

Licking can also be a sign of wanting comfort from a stressful situation. Some would argue that when a dog obsessively licks their owner or something that their owner uses a lot (like their clothing or bed), it’s because they’re looking for comfort and affection from that owner. 

Most of the time, a dog who licks everything just needs a distraction. To stop them from spiraling into a pit of anxiety, you should give them cuddles, take them for a walk, or give them a toy to play with. 

In some cases, a dog who obsessively licks something might not be anxious at all. They might simply enjoy the comfort of being close to your scent.

Each dog has their own unique ways, so if your dog doesn’t exhibit any symptoms of anxiety but likes to obsessively lick the couch, it might simply be something that it finds comforting. 

CBD for dogs

CBD is a type of cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is another cannabinoid, when CBD is consumed, it doesn’t make the user “high”.

Instead, CBD is used as a treatment for anxiety, stress, insomnia, and pain relief in humans. There are CBD products designed specifically for animals, too – all with the same benefits! 

CBD affects dogs in the same way as humans because both dogs and humans have an endocannabinoid system. This is a messenger system that regulates sleep, appetite, the immune system, the nervous system, and more.

There are endocannabinoids found in CBD, so when the CBD is consumed, it supports this messenger system. This is why CBD is used for relieving pain and stress! 

The reason why people use CBD for their dogs who obsessively lick is because of the anxiety-relieving benefits of CBD. As the most common reason why a dog obsessively licks is anxiety and stress-related issues, it only makes sense to target the root of the problem – the anxiety itself. 

Best Type of CBD for Dogs 

The most common type of CBD amongst humans is CBD oil. CBD oil works fast and is easy to purchase and take, especially when the oil is flavored.

All you have to do is follow the product’s instructions (because each dosage and potency is different), and then put a few drops of the oil underneath your tongue. The effects should start to work within 30 minutes to an hour. 

For dogs, however, it’s not advised to use CBD oil for humans. The potency of CBD oil designed for humans is far stronger than what a dog requires, so to be on the safe side, it’s always best to look for a CBD oil specifically made for dogs.

Human CBD oil also comes in a variety of flavors achieved by artificial sweeteners. While humans can consume this, these sweeteners aren’t safe for dogs, especially as most flavored CBD oils contain xylitol that is toxic to dogs. 

CBD oil is by far the best form of CBD for dogs to take. The best way to get your dog to take the CBD oil is to open its mouth and drop the correct dosage of the oil on the dog’s tongue. The effects should start to work within 30 minutes to an hour, which then last for several hours. 

However, some dogs might struggle with taking CBD oil orally, especially if they are anxious. If you don’t want to get your fingers too close to their mouths, we recommend putting the correct dosage of CBD oil on their favorite toy, their food, or better yet on the object of furniture that they obsessively lick. 

If you’re worried about the possibility of your dog taking the CBD oil and then proceeding to lick the oil off its tongue because of its lick-obsessed habits, don’t worry. CBD oil will enter the dog’s body the moment the dog has swallowed it!

Other Ways to Deal with a Dog who Obsessively Licks 

Truth is, CBD oil might not cure your dog’s obsessive licking habits. CBD is one of those things that has to be taken daily to reap the long-lasting benefits, so you can’t expect immediate results if you give it to your dog the moment it starts licking something. It will take 30-60 minutes to kick in, remember!

Luckily, there are other ways to deal with a dog who obsessively licks! Distraction is key, so we recommend taking it for a walk, tempting it with a toy, or giving it a treat or a bone to chew on. In theory, these distractions will give the dog endorphins in the same way as licking does.